Nikolas Paulovič vicemajster Slovenska v tenise do 18 rokov
Nikolas Paulovič, ďalší zabijak, ktorý dosiahol tenisové finále na Majstrovstvách Slovenska do 18 rokov v tenise, hovorí: „Mám pocit, že som neporaziteľný.“ Nika som spoznal ako malého snaživého chlapca s...
The story of guiding a young tennis player who dominated Slovak tennis under 14 years old.
Laura Masaryková - Slovak Champion in Tennis Under 14 Years Old. Písal sa rok 2016 a ja som sa vrátil zo zahraničia, kde som sa venoval rozvoju tenistov. Náhodne ma...
Tips from a sports psychologist on how to boost the motivation of young athletes.
The key is to ask the question at the beginning: Why am I putting my child into sports? What do I expect from him/her? Do I want him to be...
Talent Enviroment
An article about talent development by sport psychologist Adam Truhlar. Nowadays, we have phenomenal advanced measurement equipment with which we can examine motor skills of humans, compare results very quickly...