Sport psychologist, tennis coach, and a father who focuses on cognitive neurosciences in sport performance.

Graduated with a psychology degree from Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, and as a tennis coach worked in many international academies around the world. My interactive lectures about brain in context of the sport inspire and help thousands of people understand the extent of their influence on their children’s minds and how to raise an athlete that is resilient, focused, and courageous. I work with many professional athletes and teach them to get the best out of themselves in the most crucial moments of the match.

My methods comprise of combining information from different fields such as psychology, physiology, coordination, and neurosciences and present them to parents and coaches comprehensively.

author of the:

  • FEARLESS - Rewiring brains of young athletes
  • Športová psychológia pre hokejových rodičov
  • Športová psychológia pre hokejových trénerov
  • Mentálna sebaregulácia v kontexte športového výkonu
  • Vplyv prítomnosti situačných premenných v kontexte športového výkonu

“I know what the best ones do to be different and I am doing it myself too.”
Adam Truhlář

He operates in the business of sport science. Adam owns a company iMove,, that focuses on the all-round development of motor abilities of children and identification of their talent. In this matter he cooperates with a scientific institute Exercise is Medicine, that acknowledged him with a “Sport Diagnostic” certificate. 

He is a president of a tennis club TK 77 Skalica,, where he implements modern, methodical development systems and psychological principles to the club culture.

His attitude towards the players and athletes is characterized by positive energy and openness. He keeps his claims evidence-based as they are supported by psychology, neurobiology, neurocognitive and other applied sport sciences.

What differentiates him from others is a combination of scientific approach, friendliness, and the experience of being in a position of both player and a coach. His greatest strength is the ability to improve results of his clients in a short time.



Emotional control


Flow – intense concentration


Creation of a club culture


Inspiration and motivation ignition


Professional coaching and parenting leading skills


Creation of optimal development environment for children


Sport beginnings

I was a tennis player since the age of 6. I played tennis on national level until the adult categories, which allowed me to experience pressure from parents and coaches myself.






I tried a lot of sports while growing up. I played football, ball hockey, basketball daily, and I also tried baseball, volleyball, table tennis, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, swimming, cycling, track and field, and windsurfing.

I understood that all those sports boosted the development in my main sport. I also understood the difference in the mindset of various sports and their psychological demands.


Teenage Years

Breakdance – PC games – Chess

I spent my teenage years breakdancing. I represented Slovakia on European Breakdance Championships a few times. I learned to control my body and gained rhythm, which manifested in tennis.

I also dedicated a lot of my time to chess and participated on school tournaments; I even managed to win some 🙂 I used to play computer games out of which Counter Strike was my favorite one.

College education

How do the mind and the brain work during the sports? What is the difference between the best ones and the others? I searched for the answers in the fields of psychology, neurobiology, physiology, and cognitive neuroscience. I tried to understand and analyze everything I have ever experienced.

I was looking for scientific explanations to the actual experiences. What happens with a person who is scared and under pressure? How to effectively develop a mind and how to find a talent? I tried to understand everything in the context of the sport. In my free time, I started with amateur boxing and badminton.

Experience in the international tennis clubs & academies

As a tennis coach I worked in many countries including United Arab Emirates, Spain, Germany, and Italy. I coached performance ITF level athletes and also amateurs. I witnessed many different systems for working with young athletes.

I taught how to play tennis hundreds of children of different nationalities and mentalities. I was able to apply the knowledge from college to mentally develop and lead children. I got inspired by different innovative approaches that I eventually brought to Slovakia and implemented in my projects such as iMove and Tennis Number One.

Private sport psychology exercise

Working with many performance athletes, national team members, and players from the best leagues in the world such as KHL, AHL, ATP

I participated on the project of modernization of the sport system of Slovak Ice Hockey Federation along with experts from Finland and Canada.

Implementation of innovative development systems of children accounting for motor and cognitive aspects.


Začiatok športovej kariéry

Bol som tenisový hráč aktívny od 6 rokov. Hral som všetky vekové kategórie od 6 rokov až po dospelosť na národnej úrovni. Rankingovo som patril medzi lepší priemer na regionálnej úrovni medzi najlepších hráčov. Tu som zažil súťažnú úroveň, výsledkový tlak, rodičovské a trénerské správanie na vlastnej koži.



Vyrastal som v prostredí s množstvom športov. Futbal, hokejbal, basketbal bol na dennej báze. Ostatné športy medzi 6 až 14 rokom – baseball, volejbal, pingpong, skateboarding, snowboarding, lyžovanie, plávanie, bicykel, atletika, windsurfing.

Tu som pochopil ako veľmi mi ostatné športy pomáhali v mojom hlavnom športe. Rovnako som pochopil aj mentálne odlišnosti v športoch. V čom sa odlišujú, aké psychické nároky si šport vyžaduje, a aké zručnosti som si preberal z jednotlivých športov.



Breakdance – PC games – šach

Stredoškolský vek sa odohrával tancom. Reprezentoval som viac krát Slovensko v Breakdance-i na majstrovstvách sveta a Európy. Tu som dostal pod kontrolu moje telo a dal môjmu pohybu rytmus, ktorý sa prejavoval aj v tenise.

Rovnako som veľa času venoval šachu, vyhral viac školských turnajov. Veľkú časť času som venoval PC hrám, keďže prišla doba IT a mojím koníčkom sa stal Counter Strike.


Univerzitné vzdelanie

Ako funguje psychika a mozog v športe. Čo odlišuje tých najlepších od ostatných. Poznatky z vedných disciplín ako psychológie, neurobiológie, fyziológie, neurokognitívnej vedy. K tomu, čo som doteraz zažil v živote, som sa vracal a analyzoval.

K praktickým zážitkom som hľadal odborné vedecké vysvetlenie. Čo sa deje s človekom keď sa bojí, keď je pod tlakom, kedy človek zlyháva, ako myseľ efektívne rozvíjať, ako nájsť talent. Všetky poznatky, ktoré som sa učil, som vkladal do športového kontextu. Amatérsky som sa venoval boxu, bedmintonu.


Medzinárodné skúsenosti v svetových akadémiách a tenisových školách.

Ako tréner som po štúdia vycestoval do sveta, aby som spoznal iné spôsoby rozvoja mládeže. Ako tenisový tréner som pôsobil v Spojených Arabských Emirátoch, Nemecku, Španielsku a Taliansku. Viedol výkonnostných hráčov na úrovni ITF  a aj začiatočníkov.

Naučil som hrať tenis niekoľko stoviek detí, rôznych mentalít a národností. Nadobudnuté vedecké poznatky z univerzity som aplikoval na rozvoj a psychické vedenie detí.  Inšpiroval som sa viacerými inovatívnymi systémami rozvoja, ktoré som neskôr priniesol na Slovensko a implementoval vo formách iMove či Tennis Number One.


Súkromná prax športového psychológa

Spolupráca s mnohými vrcholovými športovcami, reprezentantmi a hráčmi z najvyšších líg ako ATP, KHL, AHL.

Spolupráca na tvorbe modernizácie športového systému v hokejovom zväze spolu s odborníkmi z Fínska a Kanady.

Implementácia inovatívnych systémov rozvoja detí zohľadňujúcich motorické aj psychické aspekty.

Adam Truhlar – Sport Neuroleader ©